GSOC ‘21 - Fifth Week



In summary, my fifth week was used to discover and study. This GSOC is requiring discipline to study so much, but I think it has been a nice experience. Let’s get it on!


I think that I haven’t explained about the meeting yet. It occurs weekly (in my case, specifically on Thursdays) and is attended by all mentors if they are available. We discuss topics about the project and how things are going. So, I write posts about the last week which is related to tasks defined in the last meeting. For example, the last week (July / 05th-09th) I did tasks discussed at the July 1st meeting.

In this meeting, we discussed how the project is going and the next steps to conclude it. Therefore, the first step is to document the package I’m developing, write docstrings, break the first notebook that I coded in the first week into 4 notebooks, one for each model.

Fifth Week

I had experience writing notebooks and documentation because one of the packages that I developed as a result of research in semantic enrichment (it’s another great post), but I felt it was not sufficient. Therefore I started reading some content about technical writing and then found Diátaxis Framework created by Daniele Procida. He described what is documentation and how to do it, so he compares how-to guides, references API, and an explanation. I recommend you to know more about this framework and how to write documentation, nowadays developers are not giving so much attention to technical writing, and this is the principal part of the open-source process.

After digging into the framework I wrote all docstrings to my package and started reading the notebook that my mentors recommended to follow a structure. I also changed a bit some methods of the locate package as discussed in the meeting. 

This was my fifth week, without issues and studying a lot. My experience developing open-source packages is being adorable and I’m so grateful found a great community to start contributing to. I’m really liking the topics about urban planning and related topics.